28. huhtikuuta 2012

Call me maybe

today has been such a good day, best day <3
I love to runaway from my life sometimes, just for a day, few hours or something, i love love love that. The feeling of freedom, its so nice.
Of course I always have to come back and i dont (so far) runaway for a long time, just make a little trip to other town, playing to be somebody else.. I sometimes love to be somewhere no one knows me and i can just look at all the people and be so.. i dont know.. free?

I also found so many cute dresses, just too bad that my money is limited, so i bought only few.. and still spent way too much money!!! (badbad me..)
I also have to leave one dress that i liked a lot.. ;( but i think i'll survive :D

I also make a decision that i dont buy any new clothes in may, i PROMISE that, really!!!
I must save money!

 I'm just going crazy about this song, so weird.. its not my kind of music at all.. just make me smile and dance and smile like an idiot.. and no im not in crush with anyone :D

Anyway, have to go now, friend is waiting :)

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