20. maaliskuuta 2012

But that was love and it's an ache I still remember

Jackson Browne, my new music love <3 I just lovelovelove it!
I've been sooooo busy lately, so I didn't (and still don't) have that much time to write this blog (or post anything else eighter) But now I just got to post these few pics that I took like.. umm.. last week?
I tried on my black wig, yes Im still blonde really.. just like to try to be black hair girl sometimes.. (not outdoors of course.. exept if there's some costume party)

My life has been quite messy and way too busy lately. I have been thinking a lot of my life, and how much it's going to change when autumn comes.. there is still loooooot of time before that, but still, it feels so short.. way too short :P
Also, I get summer job! Hurraaaaayyy :)
And Im going to get my tattoo next week, im so exited!!

Also little bit scared, but more exited :)

(ummm.. love this toooo much)

ps. I just wanted to write this one in english.. don't know why really.. just wanted to try. We'll see if Im doing it in future too :P

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