24. maaliskuuta 2012

World of wrong choices

I don't know what's getting in to me, i have some kind of "cleaning my life" -thing going on for few days now..
I have started to doing salads and everything, cleaning up my home and today I started inventory in my closet :p
I've been kinda shopaholic lately (like two years.. specially past year)
And that shows really badly in my closet, i have many clothes that i haven't even use, EVER! or had use like one or two times.. brr
I hate myself for that sometimes.. but it's been quite.. hmm.. i don't really know how to explain it well.. but i think many girls know that feeling, when you are feeling down and then you go to clothes, acressories or shoes store.. well you know what happens!
And it brings a nice feeling, not always, if nothings looking good on you, but mostly it does. Getting something pretty and nice.

So i have been buying lot of that kind of stuff in past two years, and now im looking all that stuff and want to get rid of it.
It's not that simple of course.. but im starting it now :)
This whole thing is coming from that my mind has been such a mess lately, and i really want to clear it out :) So im trying to be happy and change some stuff about me.. not outside, inside this time.

Wow.. i really wrote a lot.. and sooooo weird stuff :D
Maybe i should stop this blog before it gets too much like a diary..
or maybe not

Here is again something to listen for you:

ps. my english sucks..

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