19. syyskuuta 2012

How to live with roommates, theathre, autumn and million other things

Starting to feel like home in here.
My room is a mess and first fights about dishes has been fighten and we're still fine with boys (who I live with)
My classmates are really awesome and I looooove to study what I'm studying here. There's a lot of stuff that I knew already, but this is just starting and some recap can't hurt right?

you "maybe" noticed, that my hair colour is different now. I just coloured it at this week :) on monday.
I get bored to be blond (and colour wasn't that pretty anymore) so I decided to be redishbrunet again :)

I seriously should be packing right now, cause I'm going to visit my friends at south at weekend, but I'm feeling soooooo lazy.
But now I'm going to pack up, really!

ps. here some pics from my room.. just two, cause its so messy in here :P

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