28. syyskuuta 2012

Songs that makes me sing, cry, dance, go crazy, lie down on the ground and just feel so DAMN much

I had quite rough day at school yesterday, it was physically and mentally rough day. 
I didn't even realize until school day was over, but after words I felt really sleepy and wanted to just nestle under my blanket and feel sad.

Ayway, I felt better after two hour nap next to my really good friend, but this morning wasn't so good.. cause I'm never late from school stuff and this morning I missed my alarm and because of that I missed my development discussion with my teacher...

but yesterday and today (and some days at last couple of weeks when I've been missing my friends in south and feeling happy with people here and feeling messy about some relationships, I've been noticing some old and new songs that always make me feel.... so so much!

istuisin sun vieressä kuistilla
aurinko ois kasvojas pitkin
jos kaipuusta itkin
en itkisi uudestaan

is it enough to breath
somebody rip my heart out
and leave me here to bleed
is it enough to die
somebody saved my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

maanantai oli pilvinen päivä, mut tänään jo valoo antaa

and make you all go away
I'll make you all go away

in backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords
but now we've stepped into a cruel world
where everybody stands up and keeps score

and my quite new favourite moving song that makes me feel almost every feeling I could at same time

I can never leave the past behind
I can see no way, I can see no way
I'm always dragging that horse around

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