30. kesäkuuta 2012

All I have, all I need, he's the air I would kill to breathe

Sorry for being quite lazy with posting.. I just don't even get good pics now (and I don't have time to take pics, cause I'm always working or poledancing)

But yesterday I had fun evening, I go to few drinks with my sister and few friends and had so good time with them :) Today I got performing with my used to be improvisation group. And today again work and poledance practise..

I have my hair so nicely yesterday, they finally really go how I wanted (and thats quite rare)

And one thing that I wanted to post about, is my nails. My cute cute girly nails :P I've been making my nails cute now like a month, I change their colour and everything quite often and liiiike it so much :D (i'm such a girl..)

But they are soooo cute now, love them :)

Now I gotta go, hoping for better weather.

26. kesäkuuta 2012

Välimerkit vinksallaan (elämä yhtä sekasotkua)

Istuin hetkeksi alas ja pysähdyin ajattelemaan meitä.
Hetki venyi huomattavasti,
moneksi tunniksi.
Heitti minut viikkojen, kuukausien, vuosienkin päähän tästä
oman asuntoni parvekkeelta.
Hiljaisesta kesäillasta, katosin meluisiin muistoihin.
Niin täynnä intohimoa, nuoruutta ja hulluutta,
hullaantumista vähän kaikkea kohtaan.
Ihmisiä, maailmaa, sinua ja kaikkea uutta.
Kiellettyä ja salaista.

Olithan sinä sellainenkin joskus.
Ja sitten sinulla oli sellainen...
ja se tavallaan pilasi kaiken.
Vaikka minä jäinkin kiinni sinuun, onnettomana
ja riippuvaisena
vaikka mitä minä riippuvaisuudesta tietäisin?
Enhän minä koskenut ikinä mihinkään,
paitsi sinuun tietysti.

että juhannushan on ihan kohta
sen pitäisi olla keskellä kesää, vaikka minä
en edes tunnista tätä kesäksi
on liian kiire kohti syksyä, että ehtisi ajatella kuinka lämmin nyt on
kuinka kaunis ja täysi on tämä kaupunki
ja kovin tyhjä minun

siinä ajatellessa kului hetki
(ja vanuvia niin kuin toiset sanoo)
ja sitten päätin
että on aika mennä nukkumaan
(ja päästää irti ajatuksista)

Omaa runoilua tai muunlaista tekstiä, jotain ajatuksen virran tapaista kai? Enpä oikein osaa määritellä tätä. Mutta tällaista kuitenkin tänään.
Ja muutama sekalainen kuva :)

Nyt pitäisi kai mennä töihin..
Hyvää tiistaita!

12. kesäkuuta 2012

Euphoria, an everlasting piece of art

I have been quite lazy taking pics, or even if i have taken some, their not that good.
And I have been thinking sooooooo long to do this kind of post, so I make it now (when I'm avoiding to do all the useful things, like cleaning up and stuff)

So here are few pics that tells about things that inspire me and that makes my style at the moment :)
First pic (up) are thing that I didn't believe that I would ever start to like so much, but I like all the ripped clothes, specially jeans, not too much ripped, but nice way :)

And here, jewellery, I love to have a lot of bracelets and usually one big neclace, I have looooot of them, and their all hanging on my walls :)

And below here, is one of my passions, that somedays make me feel so clumsy, but usually just airy, strong and beautiful. I feel that I can cross my boundaries over and over again :) and I love that.
so here is one of most important things in my life now (there is lot of important things so don't get it wrong, this hobby just cheer me up so often)

red and orange hair, just looooove those, but takes too much effort to keep them
(and I like my natural blonde color too)

Shorts, all kind of shorts just like them so much :) and specially cause now its summer and i can use them without stockings under :) and they are so realxed and cute

old cute cars :) and everything colorful
and below, travelling, big citys and oh, i so so badly want to go to New York some day, I will, I promise that, to myself mostly :P

So thats all for this time, now I gotta clean up and go out to take care of some things about my moving ... brrr... thats exiting and scary at sametime.


5. kesäkuuta 2012

Anything but ordinary

I feel soooooooooo lazy, and I should go to bed already, cause I have work tomorrow and blaaaaah
so I'm not going to write that much this time.
I have day off today, so I went to Helsinki and shop some new clothes.
In these pics is one new top and shorts
shoes are older (secondhand and i looooove them)

So I think I have nothing else right now.. hmh, well i have to go to three graduation parties at saturday and one at sunday, so it was kinda busy weekend, but i had nice time :)
and i have kinda like crush on one guy now.. (but thats just liiiittle little one, so nothing more about that so far)

Good night!