28. huhtikuuta 2012

Call me maybe

today has been such a good day, best day <3
I love to runaway from my life sometimes, just for a day, few hours or something, i love love love that. The feeling of freedom, its so nice.
Of course I always have to come back and i dont (so far) runaway for a long time, just make a little trip to other town, playing to be somebody else.. I sometimes love to be somewhere no one knows me and i can just look at all the people and be so.. i dont know.. free?

I also found so many cute dresses, just too bad that my money is limited, so i bought only few.. and still spent way too much money!!! (badbad me..)
I also have to leave one dress that i liked a lot.. ;( but i think i'll survive :D

I also make a decision that i dont buy any new clothes in may, i PROMISE that, really!!!
I must save money!

 I'm just going crazy about this song, so weird.. its not my kind of music at all.. just make me smile and dance and smile like an idiot.. and no im not in crush with anyone :D

Anyway, have to go now, friend is waiting :)

27. huhtikuuta 2012

You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out

I have been quite busy at this week, and really active. Been going everywhere by bike (not with the bus, like at winter) and i signed my new work contract and go to pole dance (loooot of new bruises, but thats fine)
I've also been loving the weather, its getting warmer, and i dont even want to think about those few rainy days (that also affected my mind..)

I was enjoying my balcony today again, good book, ben and jerry and some grapes, gotta love that <3
I was wearing just shorts and top and it was soooo warm.
There's also lot more people on streets than few feeks ago.. where did they all hide all winter?
Thats so weird..
but i like it though :P

Now im going to continue that book and maybe close that balcony door cause air is getting little bit chilly.
I must write again at tuesday if im not too lazy, cause monday is vappu here in finland (workers day or what ever, in everywhere) and im going to go to my friends house warming party and then somewhere to the city :) So hopefully i get loooot of nice pics :) (hope its going to be sunny evening and day..)

ps. i love you Ben and Jerry 

19. huhtikuuta 2012

Te amo, te amo, she says to me

I've been sooo so lazy with this blog lately, mostly cause i've been so lazy with taking pics. So I don't really have anything to post. This time here is just some random pics I haven't post yet, and also one poem of mine (its been a while since i post a poem)

makaan tässä
lattialla, likaisella matolla
parvekkeen ovesta vetää
kylmä ilma kutittelee mahaani

Kuulen lehdenjakajan askeleet rapussa
uusi mainos tipahtaa
vanhoja valtava kasa
Homeen haju leijailee keittiöstä
kasvatan uutta elämää

Valo taittuu, vaihtuu
rumenee ja kaunistuu
minä vain makaan ja annan ajan kulua
Pöly takertuu hiuksiin
ja uskon tunteneeni, kuinka jokin
pienen pieni
ryömii pitkin käsivarttani
kutittavilla pikkupikku jaloillaan
siirtyy kyljelle, vatsalle

Minua ei kiinnosta
vain kauniit unikuvat
muistot silmäluomieni sisäpinnalla
kuvat onnesta

(its finnish, so sorry if you're only reading english..)

I've been quite busy with pole dancing, working, improvisation practise and doing fire art. I should really get a video of pole dance and fire things in here, but i think thats going to take a while.
Well.. i have nothing else to say now, so good evening

ps. i waaaaant spring and summer and warm warm weather, NOW!

4. huhtikuuta 2012

Red wine, strawberry ice cream, red lips and in love with my tattoo

I've been having nice empty evenings at this week, its so relaxing not to have to be anywhere. I can just watch movies and silly movie series (i dont even remember when i last had time for that.. really)
eat gooood ice cream, day dream about summer and heat and go to library (i just love librarys, dont even know why really.. they are just so peaceful and of course, filled with books)

Anyway, what i was really posting for now, is my tattoo, under here is pic of it right after getting it, when i get home from there.
It was quite bloody and gross then, but now its sooooo pretty :)

I also fell in  love with this "red wine" lipstick, its so cute :)
I call it that way, cause its same color that come to my lips when i drink red wine.
Really its Lumene's nro. 10 called "Nights"

Last pic is kinda best one i've got from my whole tattoo so far, only thing you cant see so well is that cage.. but i will post more when i have better pics :)

ps. I just love love love the sun <3 Just wish that snow would go away already.. they are just saying that its going to come more.. brrr